“Women and men have forgotten who they are, how to live, how to love. They’ve forgotten their Beauty. The Beauty of it all. It’s time for this old, deadly cycle to end. It’s time for Beauty to be restored to her rightful place. Inside her, (she) carries the codes. She must remember the codes, so the world remembers the truth of Beauty.”
For years, we’ve been conditioned to play small. To be the "good" girls, to hold ourselves back for fear of outshining those around us.
But deep down, we know it’s time to let go. We feel the pull—the call to embody our full power without guilt, without hesitation, and without fear of leaving others behind.
Here's the truth: when we don’t step into our full power, we end up sabotaging ourselves. We hold back in our relationships, in our bodies, and in our financial lives. The power we fear is the very power that will transform our lives.
Here's the truth: when we don’t step into our full power, we end up sabotaging ourselves. We hold back in our relationships, in our bodies, and in our financial lives. The power we fear is the very power that will transform our lives.